Meta Tag Seo Friendly 2021 Valid Html5

Meta tags are essential for SEO, but they can be confusing for beginners. In this simple guide, you'll learn what meta tags are, why they matter, and how to use them effectively on your web pages. You'll also discover how to use Ahrefs tools to audit and optimize your meta tags for better rankings and click-through rates. Meta tags are essential elements of SEO that help search engines understand and rank your web pages. In this definitive guide, you will learn how to use meta tags effectively for different purposes, such as title, description, keywords, robots, and more. You will also discover the best practices and tips for creating meta tags that boost your SEO performance and attract more clicks. Read this post for the answers to these and other questions related to meta tags. November 30th, 7 min. directly into the pages head sections. I contemplated exactly how to introduce this topic because we always hear about the bad side of meta tags — namely, the keywords meta tag. One of the first things dissected in any site review is the misuse of meta tags, mainly because they're at the top of every page in the header and are therefore the first thing seen. By using meta tags, you can make sure browsers and search engines behave as you want them to, and display your content in SERPs according to your preferences. Learn about the most important meta tags for SEO: meta title, meta description, meta robots and what other tags are commonly mistaken for meta tags!. May 17, I've already extensively covered the key aspects of off-page and on-page SEO. Among the most common SEO mistakes hindering site performance, Semrush recently found that over 50% of sites still get the metadata wrong. A whopping 67% of sites are missing any meta tags whatsoever. Image source: Semrush. We offer you a complete list of key meta-tags for your SEO strategy: Title Tags, to name your page on search engines. Meta Description Tags, to describe your page on search engines. Robots Meta Tags, to index or not index a page. Nofollow, sponsored and user-generated content meta tags, for outbound links. Here are the seven common OpenGraph tags: og:title: Put the desired title for display when your page is linked. og:url: Put your page's URL. og:description: Create a concise page description; note that Facebook shows approximately 300 characters. og:locale: Specify your content's language and region code (e. Note: The title tag (often called a "meta title") is not technically a meta tag, from an HTML perspective. Although it is important for SEO and is usually discussed alongside other meta tags like the meta description. Learn more about this tag in our title tags guide or in the brief section covering "meta titles" below. Meta tags are the most fundamental part of SEO and making sure that your site's pages have a good, solid foundation of optimization. These are the tags that you add to your page's. The essential meta tags at a glance. Deposited in the head section of an HTML document, meta tags are used to indicate coded information and specify metadata. They don't appear on the actual website, instead user agents like browsers or web crawlers can read meta tags. The function of a meta element is to convey additional information to a. Tips for writing a good meta title. Keep your title tag under 60 characters. Include your target keyword in the title tag. Make sure your title tag is unique and relevant to each page on your website. Write your title tag in a clear and concise way that is informative and luring to users. SEO meta tags are HTML elements that provide structured metadata about web pages designed to be understood by search engines like Google and Bing.

充分認識這 8 個 Meta Tag,讓你的網站 SEO 更勝一籌!

Meta tags are an important part of a solid SEO strategy. Although some tags might not have a direct impact on rankings, they do impact how your site appears within the digital ecosystem. Additionally, they could be a factor in many non-traditional search results, like Knowledge Graph, Google image search, voice, and more. In this blog, we'll delve into the intricate world of meta tags, exploring how you can leverage these HTML elements to craft SEO-friendly web designs in Melbourne that soar in search engine rankings. This article will be covering the most common HTML meta tags for SEO so that you can make sure you optimize them correctly in order to rank as well as possible. Also remember that having your meta tags properly optimized is very basic SEO. While it is undeniably important, there is a lot more that goes into SEO - such as crawling, more pages. Learn how to use the HTML meta tag to provide metadata for your web pages, such as keywords, description, author, and more. The meta tag can also control the viewport, charset, and refresh rate of your page. W3Schools offers examples and exercises to help you master the meta tag. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Starter Guide. When you built your website, you likely created it with your users in mind, trying to make it easy for them to find and explore your content.

HTML meta Tag - Set SEO Metadata for the Web Page - FactorPad - One of those users is a search engine, which helps people discover your content. SEO—short for search engine optimization—is about helping search. What is an HTML 5 boilerplate? According to Wikipedia, boilerplate code or just boilerplate are sections of code that are repeated in multiple places with little to no variation. A boilerplate in HTML is a template you will add at the start of your project. You should add this boilerplate to all of your HTML pages. If you're a creator, visit the Web Stories on Google website for resources on creating stories, without any coding involved. Here's an overview of how to enable Web Stories on Google: Create the Web Story. Make sure the Web Story is valid AMP. Check if the Web Story is indexed. Follow the Web Story Content Policies. Google image SEO best practices. Google provides several Search features and products that help users visually discover information on the web, such as the text result images , Google Discover, and Google Images. While each feature and product looks different, the general recommendations for getting images to appear in them is the same. Meta tag seo friendly terbaru for dari blogger untuk blogspot di 2019 dan valid html5 terbaru dan apa itu meta tag seo dan fungsi meta tag seo friendly di blog dengan penjelasannya sebagai berikut ini. Apakah meta tag ini mempengaruhi SEO? Dan ini adalah pertanyaan yang paling penting.

A 2021 Guide to SEO Meta Tags - 5280 SOFTWARE - Apakah meta tag ini mempengaruhi SEO? Jawabannya adalah tidak. Let's take a closer look at each of them and see how you can utilize them in your SEO strategy. Title tags are used by search engines to determine the subject of a page and display it in SERP. Document Tags: A complete explanation of the most unusual tag in HTML. Includes explanations of META for search engines, automatic forwarding, and even what META means. Learn HTML Code, Tags & CSS The scheme attribute is no longer valid; A new attribute, charset, lets you set the character set for the page, as in the. Meta Tag SEO Terbaru 2020 untuk Blogger, Update Meta Tag Anda Sekarang Juga! Meta tag SEO terbaik untuk blogger valid HTML5, lebih tersusun rapi dan lebih cepat terindeks oleh google serta lebih mudah untuk di gunakan di template blog apapun. Mengoptimasi meta tag merupakan cara terbaik untuk memberikan informasi sebuah situs kepada mesin. The html meta tag stores SEO metadata, the meta description, meta keywords, meta charset plus other meta tags like meta viewport and SEO title. Updated: February 23, That's how we'll learn about this important tag, so let's get going. Outline Back Tip Next / / tech / html5 / reference / . HTML 的 meta tag (中繼標籤)是網站 SEO (搜尋引擎優化)的重要一環,設置得宜的話有助網頁的排名及點擊率提升,讓大家的優質內容更容易呈現於搜尋者眼前。除了 和 meta description 之外,還有很多值得大家留意。.

Basic HTML5 Template: Use This HTML Boilerplate As A Starter For Any

By using meta tags, you can make sure browsers and search engines behave as you want them to, and display your content in SERPs according to your preferences. Learn about the most important meta tags for SEO: meta title, meta description, meta robots and what other tags are commonly mistaken for meta tags!. To use meta tags effectively for SEO, follow these best practices: Write a unique and compelling meta description for each page. Use the meta robots tag to control how search engines index. Bagaimana Cara Memasang meta tag seo friendly dan valid html5: Login ke dan masuk ke Dashboard Blogger. Pilih menu Tema =>Edit HTML Silahkan anda copy kode Meta Tag SEO Friendly di bawah ini. kemudian ikuti cara mengatur dan penggunaanya. Deskripsi meta adalah tag HTML5 yang memungkinkan pengguna dengan cepat membiasakan diri dengan posting Kamu. Internal "Sign in" and "Register" links following, which is just a waste of crawl budget. A page-level robots meta tag with content="noindex" attribute instructs. It is not officially recognized by the W3C and is not considered to be a valid HTML5 meta tag. However, it is still used by some websites as a way to assert copyright ownership and provide contact information for the copyright holder. Ensure that each page has a unique and descriptive title and meta description.

Meta Tag SEO Friendly Valid HTML5 2019 - This not only aids SEO but. What is an HTML 5 boilerplate? According to Wikipedia, boilerplate code or just boilerplate are sections of code that are repeated in multiple places with little to no variation. A boilerplate in HTML is a template you will add at the start of your project. You should add this boilerplate to all of your HTML pages. Optimal length for the Title tag: Google typically shows 55-64 characters (keep it under 60). Title tag optimization is important for search engines and visitors. It shows up in the SERP and in Browser Tabs Browser Tab Title Tag shown below for Templatemonster post: SERP Title Tag shown below for Moti Hamou - Online Marketing Expert:. Key Points to write a good Title tag:. HTML tags are essential for optimizing your website for search engines and visitors. In this article, you will learn the 15 most important HTML tags you need to know for SEO, such as title, meta, heading, image, and link tags. You will also discover how to use them correctly and effectively on your web pages. Whether you are a beginner or an expert, this guide will help you improve your HTML. One of the methods for SEO is to add additional information about the webpage in the meta tag of the HTML document.

Meta Tag In HTML

This article will be covering the most common HTML meta tags for SEO so that you can make sure you optimize them correctly in order to rank as well as possible. Also remember that having your meta tags properly optimized is very basic SEO. While it is undeniably important, there is a lot more that goes into SEO - such as crawling, more pages. Name Description; application-name: Must be a short free-form string giving the name of the Web application that the page represents. If the page is not a Web application, the application-name metadata name must not be used. There must not be more than one meta element with its name attribute set to the value application-name per document. Browsers/user agents may use the application name in. meta tags live within the head tag of the HTML document. The head tag is used for configurating the HTML file. You use the head tag to add a title to the webpage, link to a CSS stylesheet, and define more information about the HTML document. meta tags represent metadata. They are essentially used for defining and describing data about data, and. Valid HTML can improve your website's SEO in the following ways: Improved Crawling and Indexing: Search engines like Google rely on web crawlers to index websites. Valid HTML code makes it easier for these crawlers to understand your content and the structure of your site.

Important Meta tags to use in 2021 : r/SEO - Reddit - When your code is clean and error-free, search engines can crawl your. HTML head elements The meta tag 🧬 First, the meta tag is used for defining metadata about the HTML file, and can modify the way web browsers render the document. The MDN Web Docs has a great list about the values that can be assigned to the meta tag's name attribute, such as author, description, generator, and keywords. Most of them are self. Meta Tags Conclusion. Meta tags are a basic part of HTML—and they can impact SEO. Back in the early days of the internet, they were a signaling factor for search engines to understand what content is on a page. The internet (and our relationship with it) has evolved exponentially since then. Meta tags are one of the optimizations on blogs so that the blogs and articles we post have a clear identity. So that blogs will be easier to track search robots like in Google, Bing, or other search tools and will be easier to sort in SERP (search engine results page). The meta tag function basically consists of several important elements. Jun 21, 2021 - Meta Tag Seo Friendly and Valid HTML5 - This time I will answer the questions that have been asked my blogger friend about how to fill in the xxxxx code that I add to the templates I share. Or You can add them also to your own blogegr template. author, definindo, em formato livre, o nome do author do documento;; description, contém uma curta e precisa descrição do conteúdo da página. vários browsers, como o Firefox e o Opera, usam este meta como descrição padrão da página quando é marcada.

; generator, contendo, em um formato livre, o identificador do software que gerou a página;. Lol @meta tags are the best way to rank in SERPs. Meta tags are helpful, sure, and it's important to get them right but they're one of literally hundereds of ranking factors and things like meta description are more about improving CTR anyway. Okey kita langsung saja ke posting saya hari ini yaitu mengenai Cara Memasang Meta Tag SEO Friendly dan Valid HTML5. Kenapa di dalam blog yang kita buat harus terkandung meta tag yang seo, benar karena dengan terpasangnya meta tag apalagi yang seo dan valid html5 akan memudahkan artikel yang kita muat bisa langsung terindeks oleh search engine google. In this tutorial, you will learn meta tag seo in html 5 in Hindi and Urdu with keywords, description & attribute (name, content, charset and http-equiv). Either way, I think it's a little too early. In general, if it's good for your users, it will be good for SEO. Make your site accessible and usable. Use a good linking strategy and good anchor text, target the right keywords, etc. While it's not HTML5, you might be interested in microformats and RDFa, which Google and Yahoo both support (Bing. Note: The title tag (often called a "meta title") is not technically a meta tag, from an HTML perspective. Although it is important for SEO and is usually discussed alongside other meta tags like the meta description. Learn more about this tag in our title tags guide or in the brief section covering "meta titles" below.

Meta Tag Seo Friendly 2019 Dan Valid HTML5

Meta tags are an important part of a solid SEO strategy. Although some tags might not have a direct impact on rankings, they do impact how your site appears within the digital ecosystem. Additionally, they could be a factor in many non-traditional search results, like Knowledge Graph, Google image search, voice, and more. These tags are important for things like search engine optimization (SEO) and browser directives for determining certain behaviors. They can also be used by social media sites to display rich previews of your app. The meta function should return an array of MetaDescriptor objects. These objects map one-to-one with HTML tags. So this meta function:. In 2014, Bing stated in a blog post that the meta keywords tag is "dead in terms of SEO value.

SEO Meta Tags - javatpoint - " This was effectively confirmed in 2020 when Bing's Head of Evangelism tweeted the same thing. The meta keyword tag is dead in terms of SEO value for @BingWMC. We exclude it and ignore it. @CoperniX @facan— Christi Olson (@ChristiJOlson) May. What is HTML Meta Tag. Meta tags are text snippets in the form of data that depict the content of your page. These meta tags and their value do not emerge on the web page you create. However, it can be seen in the source code of your HTML page. Meta tags act as small content descriptors that allow you to convey to search engines what your web. Use the viewport meta tag with width and initial-scale for responsive design. While the keywords meta tag is largely ignored by search engines, the description meta tag is still useful for SEO and improving click-through rates. Common Error-Prone Cases; Missing Meta Tags: One common mistake is not including necessary meta tags. The robots meta tag informs search engines which pages on your site should be indexed. This meta tag serves a similar purpose to ; it is generally used to prevent a search engine from indexing individual pages, while will prevent it from indexing a whole site or section of a site. Impact of Meta Tags on SEO. Meta tags influence several aspects of SEO: Search Engine Rankings: Well-optimized meta tags can improve a webpage's ranking in search engine results. Click-Through Rates (CTR): Engaging meta tags can entice users to click on your webpage in search results. Meta Tags and Website Performance. Note that there is no universal default for character encoding in HTML, and a meta tag is just one way of specifying the encoding and may be trumped by HTTP headers or BOM.

meta - But the title of the question asks "Does HTML5 require content-type to be set?", and the answer is that it does not require it to be set in the HTML document and it. In this case, the name attribute is "description," which indicates that the tag is providing a description of the page, and the content attribute is "This is the description of my web page. " which is the actual description Some meta tags use a slightly different name attribute. For example, the viewport meta tag, which controls how a page is displayed on mobile devices, might look. There are three types of meta tags: Title tag: It is the title text which appears in search engine listings on the title bar of the browser window. Meta description tag: It is a summary of the content of your page. It appears below the URL of your page in search engine listings. Meta keywords tag: It is the place where you put all of your. Furthermore, it should be concise and clear, using no more than 160 characters; otherwise, it may be truncated by search engines and browsers. To use the meta description tag, you need to add it. Types of Meta Tags for SEO. Here is the list of meta tags for SEO strategy: Meta title tags, to name your page on search engines. Meta description tags, to describe your web page on search engines. Meta robots tag, to index, or not index your page. Meta charset tag, to define the character encoding of the website. Meta Tag Seo Friendly 2019 Dan Valid HTML5 - berikut ini adalah meta tag super seo friendly blogger atau blogspot di 2019 dan valid terhadap HTML5 untuk blogspot maupun blogger bagi anda pengguna blogger agar cepat terindeks ke google. Meta Tag Seo Friendly 2019 Dan Valid HTML5 - Sapnaria Situmeang--> Menu Atas Berita Utama; Terkini; Populer. In this tutorial, you will learn meta tag seo in html 5 in Hindi and Urdu with keywords, description & attribute (name, content, charset and http-equiv). Meta Tags Conclusion.

Understanding HTML Meta Tags For Improved SEO

Either way, I think it's a little too early. In general, if it's good for your users, it will be good for SEO. Make your site accessible and usable. Use a good linking strategy and good anchor text, target the right keywords, etc. While it's not HTML5, you might be interested in microformats and RDFa, which Google and Yahoo both support (Bing. Para utilizar los meta tags en HTML, simplemente debes incluir los tags dentro de la sección de encabezado (head) del código HTML de la página. A continuación, se muestra un ejemplo: En este ejemplo, se utiliza el meta tag "title" para proporcionar el título de la página, el meta tag "description" para proporcionar una descripción de la. Mungkin diantara sobat blogger masih ada yang belum faham dengan meta tag ini, baiklah di sini saya akan menjelaskan sedikit tentang meta tag pada template blogger. Meta Tag Seo Friendly dan Valid HTML5.

Top HTML5 Tips for SEO-Friendly Websites - Boost your site's rankings with SEO-friendly HTML5 code. Learn best practices for semantic tags, meta tags, headings, image optimization, and more. Meta Tag Seo Friendly 2019 Dan Valid HTML5 - berikut ini adalah meta tag super seo friendly blogger atau blogspot di 2019 dan valid terhadap HTML5 untuk blogspot maupun blogger bagi anda pengguna blogger agar cepat terindeks ke google. Meta Tag Seo Friendly 2019 Dan Valid HTML5 - Sapnaria Situmeang--> Menu Atas Berita Utama; Terkini; Populer. The #1 most popular introduction to SEO, trusted by millions. SEO Learning Center Broaden your knowledge with SEO resources for all skill levels. On-Demand Webinars Learn modern SEO best practices from industry experts. How-To Guides Step-by-step guides to search success from the authority on SEO. In 2014, Bing stated in a blog post that the meta keywords tag is "dead in terms of SEO value. " This was effectively confirmed in 2020 when Bing's Head of Evangelism tweeted the same thing. The meta keyword tag is dead in terms of SEO value for @BingWMC. We exclude it and ignore it. @CoperniX @facan— Christi Olson (@ChristiJOlson) May. Impact of Meta Tags on SEO. Meta tags influence several aspects of SEO: Search Engine Rankings: Well-optimized meta tags can improve a webpage's ranking in search engine results. Click-Through Rates (CTR): Engaging meta tags can entice users to click on your webpage in search results. Meta Tags and Website Performance. Use the viewport meta tag with width and initial-scale for responsive design. While the keywords meta tag is largely ignored by search engines, the description meta tag is still useful for SEO and improving click-through rates. Common Error-Prone Cases; Missing Meta Tags: One common mistake is not including necessary meta tags.

Meta Tag Seo Friendly dan Valid HTML5 - Aliva Mini - Meta tags are snippets of text that describe a page's content; the meta tags don't appear on the page itself, but only in the page's source code. Meta tags are essentially little content descriptors that help tell search engines what a web page is about. Meta tags provide information about the webpage in the HTML of the document. What is HTML Meta Tag. Meta tags are text snippets in the form of data that depict the content of your page. These meta tags and their value do not emerge on the web page you create. However, it can be seen in the source code of your HTML page. Meta tags act as small content descriptors that allow you to convey to search engines what your web. META TAG SEO Valid HTML Meta tag keywords are very important because they help search engines find relevant blog pages based on specific keywords. This time, I will address questions asked by fellow bloggers regarding how to fill in the x.

HTML5 Seo Friendly And Valid Meta Tags

Furthermore, it should be concise and clear, using no more than 160 characters; otherwise, it may be truncated by search engines and browsers. To use the meta description tag, you need to add it. In this case, the name attribute is "description," which indicates that the tag is providing a description of the page, and the content attribute is "This is the description of my web page. " which is the actual description Some meta tags use a slightly different name attribute. For example, the viewport meta tag, which controls how a page is displayed on mobile devices, might look. There are three types of meta tags: Title tag: It is the title text which appears in search engine listings on the title bar of the browser window. Meta description tag: It is a summary of the content of your page. It appears below the URL of your page in search engine listings. Meta keywords tag: It is the place where you put all of your.

Meta Tags — Preview, Edit and Generate - Setting Open Graph tags in WordPress. Install Yoast's SEO plugin. Go to the editor for a post or page, then scroll down. You should see a Yoast SEO box. Hit the "Social" tab, then "Facebook. Fill this in to set the og:title, og:description, and og:image tags. There's no need to set og:url manually. You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Types of Meta Tags for SEO. Here is the list of meta tags for SEO strategy: Meta title tags, to name your page on search engines. Meta description tags, to describe your web page on search engines. Meta robots tag, to index, or not index your page.

Meta charset tag, to define the character encoding of the website. Meta Tag SEO Blogger Meta tag blogger adalah salah satu tag HTML yang digunakan untuk memberikan gambaran singkat tentang deskripsi situs yang ditulis dengan teknik SEO dengan postingan yang sudah terindeks sehingga dapat dikenali di mesin bertujuan untuk membantu pengguna menemukan apa yang mereka cari secara singkat dalam deskripsi yang dituliskan. The robots meta tag informs search engines which pages on your site should be indexed. This meta tag serves a similar purpose to ; it is generally used to prevent a search engine from indexing individual pages, while will prevent it from indexing a whole site or section of a site. Meta tags are one of the optimizations on blogs so that the blogs and articles we post have a clear identity. So that blogs will be easier to track search robots like in Google, Bing, or other search tools and will be easier to sort in SERP (search engine results page). The meta tag function basically consists of several important elements. Published at Dec 22, 2023 by khamisihamisi # digital-marketing. When it comes to meta tags and metadata, there is often confusion - novices and specialists, both optimize content within the HEAD tag with the META element. Let's see which metadata is really important for SEO optimization, and which can be ignored. With Meta Tags you can edit and experiment with your content then preview how your webpage will look on Google, Facebook, Twitter and more! the most important meta tag for ranking is your title tag. No other meta tags affect SEO rankings butthat's not to say they're unimportant! In technical terms it is a very simple html code tag. Meta Tag Seo Friendly Valid HTML5 - Meta Tag Seo Friendly 2019 blogger terbaru dengan Meta Tag Seo Friendly Valid HTML5 Di blogspot terbaru dengan meta tag seo 2019 terbaru bagi pengguna blog maupun situs. HOME; ADSENSE; BLOGGER; TIPS; Low-Ker;. While every meta tag plays its part in an SEO strategy, the title tag is the best place to start. It serves as the initial touchpoint in search engine results, directly influencing click-through rates and providing a concise summary of the page's content.

Complete Introduction To Meta Tags: Essential Part Of SEO

The Abstract meta tag is very similar to the description Meta tag, except its an abstraction or a brief summary of the description META tag. Generally the Abstract META tag is a one line sentence which gives an overview of the entire webpage. Although search engines do not as often use this tag, it is a useful complement to. List of HTML Meta Tags. noarchive: The value noarchive indicates that a current snapshot of the page should not be permanently stored by Google. Otherwise a cached version of a web page, which shows how it looked when the page was last crawled, is available via a "Cache" link on Google's search engine results pages (SERPs). : nofollow: The value nofollow tells Google's search engine robot that. Inilah cara memasang meta tag SEO friendly dan valid HTML5 terbaru untuk blogger agar blog teroptimiasi maksimal dan cepat terindex oleh mesin pencari 16 Agustus 2021 Tulis Komentar - Meta Tag merupakan sebuah tags yang berisi beberapa kode seperti keyword blog, deskripsi blog, dan sebagainya. Meta tag memiliki fungsi yang. SEO elements need to be revised constantly in order to ensure that they could be used as valid optimisation components. Download Free PDF View PDF. The Journal of Academic Librarianship Science and Technology Search Engine Optimization (SEO) using HTML Meta-Tags Dr. Gaharwar Department of Computer Science. Search engines may not pick up the HTML redirect as quickly as the HTTP alternative due to them needing to parse the HTML to find the redirect. So from an SEO perspective, a 301 or 302 redirect may be the better option.

Is HTML meta name "revised" valid or even used? - Stack Overflow - In fact, Google does advise that you use a 301 redirect rather than an HTML meta redirect when possible:. Learn about some online tools, browser extensions, and code editors that can help you validate, optimize, and test your HTML meta tags for SEO, social media, and user experience. Here is an example of a web page without the viewport meta tag, and the same web page with the viewport meta tag: Tip: If you are browsing this page with a phone or a tablet, you can click on the two links below to see the difference. It's widely know that HTML5 offers some elements primarily for semantic purposes. These include: section, article, aside, header, footer, nav, figure, figcaption, time, mark & main. Do any of these offer SEO benefits? If so, what are some of the best practices for using these semantic elements?. Meta tags do matter for your SEO goals in 2021, but not all of them can help you. Many experts have started to abuse them to rank higher than their rivals in SERPs. So along with Meta tags, focusing on content quality and user satisfaction is equally significant. Their WordPress plugin Revised Meta Tag doesn't give any sources either, they only refer to their own page. Several weeks ago the same question was asked on Webmasters (Do web crawlers use the "revised" meta tag?), but no evidence was found that this meta tag was ever consumed by someone. In short, yes - META tags are important. Purely from search engine listings - Always include a useful META DESCRIPTION thats unique for every page - even if that doesn't bump you up the rankings, a good succinct description will do wonders for your click throughs and bounce rates, because people are more likely to think they can find what they are looking for.

What's In The Head? Metadata In HTML

That marks the end of our quickfire tour of the HTML head — there's a lot more you can do in here, but an exhaustive tour would be boring and confusing at this stage, and we just wanted to give you an idea of the most common things you'll find in there for now! In the next article, we'll be looking at HTML text fundamentals. Here's exactly how to write SEO-friendly meta descriptions. Use Benefit-Driven Copy. Your meta description needs to clearly describe the BENEFIT someone will get from your page. What this benefit is depends a lot on what your page is all about. And the keyword that people used to bring up your result. The only true purpose for meta tags is the description tag, what you put here will be used in the search engine result. The other tags may help you with smaller search engines, but it won't really make a huge difference.

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